In partnership with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and National Cancer Institute, Joey’s Wings was sponsoring the very first TFE/Translocation Renal Cell Carcinoma Symposium in Cincinnati, OH on September 21-22, 2023. This two-day event brought together...
Joey’s Wings is proud to present a $50,000 check for research on translocation renal cell carcinoma at the 10 year anniversary of UT Southwestern Medical Center Kidney Cancer Program! tRCC research in Dr. Jim Brugarolas’s...
Thanksgiving is soon here. I was driving the other day and the radio station started to play Christmas music. My heart was full of joy and warmth. I love Christmas Carol. But suddenly, the...
Season of graduation and prom. I dread, especially this year when Joey’s friends graduate high school. Each prom picture at news feed is the harsh reminder of the profound loss of future hopes and...
The 8th annual Joey’s Wings 5k & Obstacle Run was held in Gainesville, FL on Nov. 12th, 2022. 400 runners participated the event. Thank you all for being a voice for children with cancer!...
Kathy Liu, founder of Joey’s Wings, recently participated the White House Cancer Moonshot Childhood Cancer Forum joining with the most dedicated childhood cancer advocates in the country and the Biden Administration leadership. The forum...
A big thank you to Max & Louis Boyang, two young artists and 12 volunteers from Okemos High school for making Cranes for a cure happen in the Lansing area of Michigan! They string...
On September 15th, 2022, around 150 Motorolans from Schaumburg & Chicago, IL and Temecula, CA folded 800 origami cranes to honor childhood cancer awareness month. All these cranes will be used in our gift...
Joey’s Wings recently donated 100 gas cards and food cards to pediatric oncology families at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital when we heard there is a significant need. Michael and Albert, from Buchholz high...
We are proud to present a $30,000 check to UT Southwestern Medical Center Kidney Cancer Program for research on translocation renal cell carcinoma, an aggressive kidney cancer affecting children and young adults. A special...