Pediatric Kidney Cancer Focus Awards – $75,000 In partnership with Kidney Cancer Association Required Focus: Pediatric kidney cancer, specifically translocation RCC in the following ways: Apply Now! Applications due by: April 21, 2025 Award recipients will...
Today 400 runners were cheering for Elizabeth at Gainesville, FL! The 10th annual Joey’s Wings 5k, a run for children with cancer, goes beyond fundraising—it’s a testament to the strength of young fighters and...
Joey’s Wings is thrilled to announce Translocation RCC Trailblazer Award – $75,000 in partnership with Kidney Cancer Association was granted to Dr. Kaushal Asrani of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine! This research project: Therapeutic Targeting...
On September 23, Joey’s Wings joined fellow kidney cancer advocates and met with the Cancer Moonshot initiative at the White House. During the meeting at the Office of Science and Technology Policy, we discussed...
Just got ready to leave the Memorial Shoe Display at the base of the Washington Monument, a lady walked up to me. “I took a picture of you and want to share with you.”...
Packing up for the DC trip. I picked a photo for David’s coming visit of Capitol Hill and White House. The photo of my two boys when David was 3. I was unwrapping all...
Joey’s Wings funded research at UT Southwestern Medical Center Kidney Cancer Program is moving forward! The team generated a novel GEMM tRCC mouse model yielding insights into key biological pathways underlying tRCC development and reported...
We delivered 100 gift bags to the pediatric oncology at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital. There are grocery gift cards, note card, a running medal and origami cranes in each bag. In the picture...
The most joyous time of the year, is also an isolating season of mourning, the poignant reminder of the absence of a beloved child and the unfulfilled promises. Pains and beauties collide in holiday...
Last two days of conference was a dream come true. Words can’t describe how grateful I am for the planning committee who brought such a significant and impactful meeting, a milestone for tRCC research....