Cranes for A Cure is inspired by Joey’s love of origami. Cranes for A Cure’s mission is to fund pediatric cancer research through selling origami crane strings and mobiles, and to provide hope, health and healing for pediatric cancer patients.
Cranes have long symbolized peace, good health, longevity, and healing in many Asian cultures. According to the Japanese tradition, anyone who folds 1,000 origami cranes will be granted their most desired wish. Cranes bring hope and uplift spirits.

Corporate Folding Party
Joey’s Wings partners up with corporates to host origami cranes folding event. We fold paper, laugh, learn, and share the meaning behind 2,000 cranes. It’s an amazing and memorable experience for many. We have hosted this community service event at Google, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Motorola, William Blair, Charles River Labs, and more. After folding, we put the cranes into the gift boxes with gift cards and toys and send them to Children’s Hospital. Many corporates match employees’ folding hours with donation to benefit Joey’s Wings financial assistance program supporting pediatric cancer families.
Origami cranes folding at Charles River Laboratories
Origami cranes folding at Pfizer