Joey’s Wings is very proud to donate $30,000 to Johns Hopkins for research on translocation renal cell carcinoma, which affects children and young adults. We have been a contributor to this research effort at Dr. Argani and Dr. Lotan’s lab since 2015. The fund is used to create a model of translocation renal cell carcinoma which is critical for testing the potential new therapies for this tumor. Joey’s Wings is so proud of what you have helped us accomplish. We are humbled by your love and generosity that continues for children with cancer. Over the years since Joey’s passing, we have made significant progress in raising the profile of this disease and encouraging research in many institutions, thanks to the kindness and compassion of you! Today we salute all those who work hard trying to find a cure. We also thank you, who believe in cancer research and contribute your efforts to improve the lives of children battling cancer!